RCE via Malicious ASP Web Shell file upload
Hello Everyone,
I hope you all doing well and fine.
Today I will share with you one of my experience which is about, how i was able to find the Remote code execution(RCE) via Malicious ASP Web Shell file upload.
First of all, let us start with introduce our target “https://www.abcd.com” (ASP Web Application)
Now, let’s make our hands little bit dirty and start our penetration test.
Detailed Steps:-
Step 1: Log in to the application using valid user credentials.
Step 2: Navigate to the “File Upload” tab. Enter the details and upload the “test.asp” shell file. (“test.asp” file contains a Malicious ASP Web Shell, as it is ASP Web Application)
Step 3: It was observed that the malicious “test.asp” shell file is uploaded successfully on server, as shown in the following screenshot.
Step 4: Now, Navigate to location where the malicious file has been uploaded, then click and open the uploaded malicious “test.asp” file, as shown in the following screenshots.
Time for some cheer, as i am able to execute the System Command “Dir”.
So this is how I was able to get Remote code execution(RCE) from file upload by injecting the ASP Malicious Web Shell.
Happy hacking!
#Hacking #Ethical Hacking #Penetration Testing #Information Security